If you are looking for how to create a Grid Style Category Section Widget to blogger website then this post is just for you.
I am Monish. I have been involved with coding for a long time. I will give you proper advice from long experience so let's start.

We only used then HTML and CSS not JS operation, Are you upset about your website speed? do not worry it doesn't affect your website speed.
Your website has a dark mode function and you fussing about it works impeccably in dark mode?
Also do not worry about it this Code Box also has dark mode CSS that you just want to change the dark mode class that we gave with your theme dark mode class, you can fluently change it by following this tutorial precisely.
So without wasting important time let's check How to Create a Grid Style Category Section Using HTML & CSS In Homepage Of Blogger?
You can see the demo here:-
How to Create a Grid Style Category Section In Homepage Of Blogger?
Important!Before we start adding codes in XML, I will recommend you to take a Backup of your current theme. By chance if any problem occurs, you can restore it later.
Step 1: First of all Login to your Blogger Dashboard.
Step 2: On Blogger Dashboard, click Theme.
Step 3: Click the arrow down icon next to 'customize' button.
Step 4: Click Edit HTML, you will be redirected to editing page.
Step 5: Now search the code ]]></b:skin>
or /*]]>*/</style>
and paste the following CSS Codes just above to it.
/* Category layout by The Pro Project*/ .stw-feature{padding:5px;text-align:center;position:relative}.stw-feature h2{font-size:1.6em;line-height:1.6em;margin-bottom:0;padding-bottom:0}.stw-feature ul{clear:both;margin:15px 0 20px;width:100%;display:flex;padding:0;flex-wrap:wrap;justify-content:space-between}.stw-feature.icon-p-2 li{position:relative;width:30%;list-style:none;line-height:1.3em;text-align:center;border-radius:10px;margin:6px 0;background:var(--contentB);box-shadow:0 5px 35px rgb(0 0 0/7%);padding:6px 0 12px;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.stw-feature li a{display:block;text-decoration:none;color:var(--fontC)}.stw-feature li svg{margin:3px 0;width:35px;height:35px;display:inline-block}.stw-feature li span{display:block;padding:0 3px}.drK .stw-feature li{background:var(--darkBa)}
Don't forget to change highlighted .drK
with your website theme dark mode class, if your theme did not have a dark mode feature then keep default!
Step 6: Save the html changes by clicking on this icon
Step 7: Then go to the wysiwyg Layout or place which you want to add Grid Style Category Section Widget

Step 8: Now edit the HTML code and change the svg icons, Title and text and add your own link in it.
<div class="stw-feature coll-3 icon-p-2"> <h2><span>Today you are looking for?</span></h2> <ul> <li onclick='vibRate(50)' > <a href="https://www.monishtips.com/search/label/Editing%20APK" title="Mod APK"> <svg enable-background='new 0 0 512 512' version='1.1' viewbox='0 0 512 512' xml:space='preserve' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'> <path d='m501.74 139.72h-29.922v-34.024c0-5.664-4.591-10.256-10.256-10.256h-27.751v-30.827c0-5.664-4.591-10.256-10.256-10.256h-413.3c-5.665 0-10.256 4.592-10.256 10.256v295.36c0 5.664 4.591 10.256 10.256 10.256h30.828v31.853c0 5.664 4.591 10.256 10.256 10.256h30.948v35.05c0 5.664 4.591 10.256 10.256 10.256h409.2c5.664 0 10.256-4.591 10.256-10.256v-297.42c-2e-3 -5.664-4.593-10.256-10.258-10.256zm-419.46 10.256v241.85h-20.692v-275.88h151.05c5.664 0 10.256-4.591 10.256-10.256 0-5.664-4.591-10.256-10.256-10.256h-161.31c-5.664 0-10.256 4.591-10.256 10.256v244.02h-20.572v-274.85h392.79v20.572h-91.264c-5.664 0-10.256 4.591-10.256 10.256 0 5.664 4.591 10.256 10.256 10.256h129.27v23.769h-358.77c-5.664-2e-3 -10.255 4.59-10.255 10.254zm409.2 287.16h-388.69v-276.9h388.69v276.9z'/> <path d='m237.5 353.52c5.664 0 10.256-4.591 10.256-10.256v-28.785h10.252c19.476 0 35.321-15.844 35.321-35.321s-15.845-35.321-35.321-35.321h-20.507c-5.664 0-10.256 4.591-10.256 10.256v89.169c-1e-3 5.666 4.591 10.258 10.255 10.258zm10.256-89.169h10.252c8.166 0 14.809 6.644 14.809 14.809s-6.644 14.809-14.809 14.809h-10.252v-29.618z'/> <path d='m324.09 353.52c5.664 0 10.256-4.591 10.256-10.256v-28.785h10.252c19.476 0 35.321-15.844 35.321-35.321s-15.845-35.321-35.321-35.321h-20.507c-5.664 0-10.256 4.591-10.256 10.256v89.169c-1e-3 5.666 4.591 10.258 10.255 10.258zm10.256-89.169h10.252c8.166 0 14.809 6.644 14.809 14.809s-6.644 14.809-14.809 14.809h-10.252v-29.618z'/> <path d='m127.31 352.89c5.313 1.956 11.209-0.767 13.166-6.083l7.647-20.781h31.081l7.647 20.781c1.526 4.147 5.45 6.717 9.626 6.716 1.175 0 2.372-0.204 3.54-0.634 5.315-1.956 8.039-7.851 6.084-13.166l-32.812-89.169c-1.484-4.034-5.327-6.714-9.625-6.714s-8.141 2.681-9.625 6.714l-32.812 89.169c-1.956 5.316 0.767 11.211 6.083 13.167zm36.354-69.097 7.992 21.721h-15.986l7.994-21.721z'/> <path d='m435.92 333.01h-25.234c-5.664 0-10.256 4.591-10.256 10.256s4.591 10.256 10.256 10.256h25.234c16.87 0 30.594-13.724 30.594-30.594v-4.558c0-13.615-8.761-25.391-21.803-29.304l-16.584-4.975c-4.297-1.289-7.185-5.17-7.185-9.657 0-5.56 4.523-10.082 10.082-10.082h25.234c5.664 0 10.256-4.591 10.256-10.256 0-5.664-4.591-10.256-10.256-10.256h-25.234c-16.87 0-30.594 13.724-30.594 30.594 0 13.615 8.761 25.391 21.803 29.304l16.584 4.976c4.298 1.289 7.185 5.17 7.185 9.657v4.558c1e-3 5.558-4.522 10.081-10.082 10.081z'/> <path d='m271.45 95.438h-2.959c-5.664 0-10.256 4.591-10.256 10.256 0 5.664 4.591 10.256 10.256 10.256h2.959c5.664 0 10.256-4.591 10.256-10.256-1e-3 -5.664-4.592-10.256-10.256-10.256z'/> </path></path></path></path></path></path></svg><span>Mod APK</span> </a></li> <li onclick='vibRate(50)'> <a href="https://www.monishtips.com/search/label/Mobile" title="Project file"> <svg enable-background='new 0 0 59.527 59.527' version='1.1' viewbox='0 0 59.527 59.527' xml:space='preserve' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'> <path d='m36.951 28.99 5.495-1.473-29.92-26.771-12.526 38.144 5.495-1.472c1.804-0.483 3.69-0.236 5.31 0.698 1.618 0.935 2.776 2.443 3.26 4.249l1.559 5.818 1.532 5.717 17.939-4.807-2.05-7.648-1.042-3.887c-0.483-1.806-0.235-3.691 0.699-5.31s2.444-2.775 4.249-3.258zm-18.381 22.462-1.015-3.785 14.076-3.772 1.015 3.785-14.076 3.772zm12.401-20.202c-1.202 2.081-1.521 4.506-0.899 6.827l1.042 3.887-14.076 3.772-1.042-3.887c-0.622-2.321-2.11-4.262-4.192-5.463-1.386-0.801-2.924-1.209-4.483-1.209-0.781 0-1.568 0.103-2.344 0.311l-1.924 0.515 9.848-29.99 5.643 21.061c-0.756 0.395-1.392 0.989-1.829 1.746-0.607 1.053-0.769 2.279-0.454 3.453 0.314 1.174 1.067 2.156 2.12 2.764 0.701 0.405 1.479 0.612 2.269 0.612 0.395 0 0.793-0.052 1.185-0.157 2.424-0.649 3.868-3.15 3.218-5.574-0.314-1.175-1.068-2.156-2.121-2.764-0.757-0.437-1.605-0.634-2.457-0.599l-5.642-21.062 23.524 21.05-1.924 0.516c-2.321 0.62-4.261 2.11-5.462 4.191zm-10.973-2.619c0.22-0.059 0.443-0.088 0.665-0.088 0.442 0 0.878 0.116 1.271 0.343 0.59 0.341 1.012 0.891 1.189 1.549 0.364 1.359-0.446 2.761-1.804 3.125-0.658 0.177-1.345 0.085-1.936-0.255-0.59-0.341-1.012-0.892-1.188-1.55s-0.086-1.345 0.255-1.936c0.339-0.59 0.889-1.012 1.548-1.188z'/> <path d='m48.527 36.781c-6.065 0-11 4.935-11 11s4.935 11 11 11 11-4.935 11-11-4.935-11-11-11zm0 20c-4.962 0-9-4.037-9-9s4.038-9 9-9 9 4.037 9 9-4.038 9-9 9z'/> <path d='m54.527 46.781h-5v-5c0-0.553-0.448-1-1-1s-1 0.447-1 1v5h-5c-0.552 0-1 0.447-1 1s0.448 1 1 1h5v5c0 0.553 0.448 1 1 1s1-0.447 1-1v-5h5c0.552 0 1-0.447 1-1s-0.448-1-1-1z'/> </path></path></path></svg> <span>Project file</span> </a></li> <li onclick='vibRate(50)'> <a href="https://www.monishtips.com/p/all-tool-by-mt.html" title="Tool"> <svg enable-background='new 0 0 122.881 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0.403-1.688 0.812-2.442 1.223-1.063 0.579-2.345 0.364-3.165-0.443l-1e-3 1e-3 -6.874-6.775-0.063-0.063v1e-3c-0.293-0.31-0.601-0.537-0.924-0.678-0.31-0.135-0.677-0.204-1.105-0.204-0.425 0-0.805 0.072-1.139 0.215-0.366 0.156-0.716 0.4-1.052 0.729l-2e-3 2e-3 -8.339 8.358-5e-3 6e-3 5e-3 5e-3c-0.342 0.342-0.584 0.682-0.727 1.02-0.139 0.328-0.208 0.711-0.208 1.149 0 0.442 0.07 0.832 0.211 1.166 0.145 0.343 0.378 0.675 0.702 0.993l0.021 0.021 6.188 6.208c0.925 0.93 1.028 2.367 0.313 3.41-0.472 0.731-0.927 1.508-1.367 2.324-0.468 0.866-0.888 1.712-1.268 2.542-0.395 0.862-0.766 1.744-1.115 2.641-0.316 0.812-0.637 1.718-0.963 2.706-0.373 1.132-1.426 1.85-2.556 1.85v1e-3h-9.515c-0.458 0-0.86 0.071-1.211 0.213-0.346 0.142-0.666 0.358-0.958 0.651l-0.011 0.012c-0.293 0.293-0.51 0.612-0.652 0.958-0.143 0.351-0.213 0.754-0.213 1.211v11.946c0 0.422 0.067 0.798 0.203 1.125 0.144 0.348 0.378 0.689 0.704 1.027l3e-3 2e-3c0.295 0.296 0.611 0.515 0.945 0.654 0.344 0.144 0.74 0.216 1.19 0.216h8.713c1.325 0 2.426 0.957 2.651 2.218 0.228 0.956 0.464 1.841 0.711 2.646 0.271 0.882 0.577 1.768 0.924 2.657 0.326 0.847 0.696 1.727 1.108 2.639 0.421 0.933 0.833 1.783 1.233 2.552 0.557 1.066 0.326 2.336-0.486 3.143l2e-3 2e-3 -6.776 6.756-0.043 0.042h1e-3c-0.31 0.294-0.537 0.602-0.677 0.924-0.136 0.31-0.204 0.678-0.204 1.106 0 0.425 0.072 0.804 0.214 1.138 0.156 0.366 0.4 0.717 0.73 1.052l8.309 8.405c0.325 0.301 0.664 0.521 1.019 0.66 0.356 0.141 0.76 0.21 1.212 0.21 0.456 0 0.867-0.071 1.229-0.214 0.348-0.137 0.675-0.347 0.978-0.631l6.159-6.257c0.929-0.944 2.384-1.057 3.438-0.329 0.729 0.47 1.504 0.923 2.318 1.362 0.866 0.469 1.712 0.889 2.542 1.268 0.862 0.396 1.744 0.767 2.641 1.115 0.812 0.315 1.717 0.637 2.706 0.963 1.132 0.373 1.85 1.426 1.85 2.556h1e-3v9.518c0 0.456 0.071 0.859 0.214 1.21 0.142 0.347 0.358 0.666 0.651 0.959l5e-3 6e-3 5e-3 -6e-3c0.587 0.587 1.307 0.876 2.169 0.876h11.944c0.424 0 0.799-0.067 1.127-0.203 0.348-0.144 0.689-0.378 1.025-0.704l4e-3 -3e-3c0.295-0.296 0.514-0.611 0.654-0.945 0.145-0.344 0.217-0.739 0.217-1.189v-8.715c0-1.324 0.955-2.426 2.217-2.65 0.955-0.228 1.84-0.465 2.646-0.711 0.881-0.271 1.768-0.577 2.656-0.923 0.848-0.327 1.729-0.697 2.643-1.109 0.93-0.421 1.781-0.832 2.547-1.232 1.068-0.557 2.338-0.325 3.145 0.486l2e-3 -2e-3 6.756 6.775 0.041 0.043v-1e-3c0.297 0.312 0.605 0.538 0.926 0.678 0.314 0.135 0.693 0.204 1.145 0.204 0.443 0 0.828-0.072 1.16-0.215 0.334-0.145 0.645-0.368 0.928-0.667 0.031-0.034 0.064-0.067 0.1-0.1l8.369-8.272c0.299-0.324 0.52-0.664 0.658-1.019 0.141-0.356 0.211-0.761 0.211-1.213 0-0.456-0.07-0.867-0.213-1.229-0.139-0.348-0.348-0.674-0.633-0.977l-6.256-6.16c-0.945-0.929-1.057-2.383-0.33-3.438 0.471-0.729 0.924-1.504 1.363-2.317 0.469-0.865 0.889-1.712 1.268-2.542 0.395-0.862 0.766-1.744 1.115-2.641 0.314-0.812 0.637-1.718 0.963-2.707 0.373-1.132 1.426-1.85 2.557-1.85v-1e-3h9.516c0.457 0 0.861-0.071 1.211-0.214 0.346-0.142 0.666-0.358 0.959-0.65l0.01-0.011c0.293-0.294 0.512-0.613 0.652-0.96 0.143-0.35 0.213-0.753 0.213-1.21v-11.946c0-0.422-0.066-0.798-0.203-1.126-0.143-0.347-0.377-0.689-0.703-1.027l-4e-3 -3e-3c-0.295-0.296-0.611-0.514-0.945-0.654-0.342-0.144-0.738-0.216-1.189-0.216h-8.713c-1.342 0-2.453-0.979-2.658-2.262-0.211-0.843-0.449-1.698-0.719-2.566-0.26-0.833-0.564-1.714-0.92-2.645-0.018-0.045-0.033-0.091-0.047-0.137-0.338-0.885-0.684-1.717-1.039-2.496-0.385-0.843-0.793-1.658-1.225-2.446-0.578-1.063-0.363-2.345 0.443-3.165v-1e-3l6.775-6.874c0.021-0.021 0.041-0.042 0.063-0.063 0.311-0.293 0.537-0.601 0.678-0.923 0.135-0.31 0.205-0.677 0.205-1.105 0-0.425-0.072-0.805-0.215-1.139-0.156-0.366-0.4-0.716-0.73-1.052l-2e-3 -2e-3 -8.359-8.339-0.01-9e-3zm1.062-5.661c1.002 0.423 1.912 1.042 2.732 1.862l2e-3 1e-3 8.381 8.362 0.021 0.021c0.807 0.82 1.424 1.723 1.846 2.713 0.436 1.021 0.656 2.102 0.656 3.243 0 1.158-0.225 2.24-0.668 3.251-0.432 0.992-1.063 1.874-1.879 2.653l-5.367 5.445c0.158 0.329 0.316 0.662 0.469 0.999 0.43 0.938 0.824 1.878 1.182 2.819 0.02 0.042 0.037 0.085 0.053 0.129 0.357 0.937 0.699 1.933 1.025 2.981 0.105 0.338 0.207 0.678 0.305 1.021h6.652c1.156 0 2.238 0.212 3.252 0.636 0.996 0.417 1.896 1.032 2.699 1.841l0.057 0.057c0.791 0.818 1.391 1.72 1.799 2.71 0.418 1.007 0.625 2.062 0.625 3.167v11.945c0 1.149-0.203 2.225-0.613 3.23-0.41 1.003-1.021 1.914-1.838 2.733l-4e-3 3e-3 -6e-3 7e-3 -4e-3 4e-3c-0.82 0.817-1.73 1.43-2.736 1.84-1.006 0.409-2.082 0.613-3.23 0.613h-7.609c-0.133 0.358-0.271 0.728-0.42 1.106-0.381 0.979-0.793 1.958-1.24 2.936-0.463 1.011-0.934 1.966-1.414 2.857-0.158 0.292-0.32 0.583-0.486 0.874l4.75 4.676c0.035 0.033 0.068 0.066 0.104 0.102 0.779 0.824 1.365 1.739 1.76 2.739 0.396 1.004 0.592 2.068 0.592 3.186 0 1.114-0.195 2.169-0.588 3.169-0.393 0.997-0.973 1.908-1.744 2.734v-1e-3c-0.027 0.028-0.055 0.058-0.084 0.086l-8.43 8.333c-0.791 0.829-1.682 1.463-2.682 1.893-1.01 0.436-2.102 0.657-3.283 0.657-1.156 0-2.246-0.226-3.27-0.667-1.014-0.439-1.91-1.074-2.691-1.898l-5.344-5.358c-0.357 0.172-0.707 0.335-1.047 0.489-0.91 0.41-1.883 0.815-2.916 1.214-0.971 0.378-1.984 0.727-3.035 1.049-0.35 0.107-0.695 0.209-1.035 0.306v6.638c0 1.155-0.213 2.238-0.637 3.251-0.418 0.997-1.031 1.896-1.842 2.7l-0.057 0.058c-0.818 0.789-1.721 1.388-2.709 1.798-1.008 0.417-2.063 0.624-3.168 0.624h-11.946c-2.349 0-4.333-0.81-5.977-2.454l5e-3 -5e-3c-0.82-0.821-1.435-1.734-1.845-2.741-0.41-1.006-0.614-2.081-0.614-3.23v-7.609c-0.359-0.133-0.728-0.272-1.107-0.42-0.978-0.381-1.957-0.793-2.935-1.241-1.011-0.462-1.966-0.934-2.858-1.415-0.291-0.157-0.582-0.319-0.873-0.485l-4.676 4.75c-0.033 0.035-0.067 0.069-0.102 0.103-0.824 0.781-1.739 1.367-2.739 1.761-1.004 0.396-2.068 0.593-3.186 0.593-1.114 0-2.17-0.195-3.169-0.589-0.997-0.393-1.907-0.973-2.734-1.743l1e-3 -2e-3c-0.029-0.026-0.058-0.054-0.085-0.083l-8.381-8.478c-0.806-0.82-1.423-1.724-1.845-2.714-0.435-1.022-0.656-2.102-0.656-3.242 0-1.158 0.225-2.24 0.667-3.252 0.437-0.999 1.071-1.886 1.897-2.67l5.359-5.344c-0.172-0.357-0.336-0.707-0.49-1.05-0.411-0.909-0.815-1.88-1.213-2.912-0.378-0.971-0.728-1.984-1.05-3.036-0.107-0.351-0.209-0.695-0.306-1.035h-6.636c-1.156 0-2.239-0.213-3.251-0.637-0.998-0.417-1.897-1.031-2.7-1.841l-0.058-0.06c-0.79-0.817-1.389-1.72-1.798-2.709-0.417-1.008-0.624-2.063-0.624-3.166v-11.946c0-1.149 0.204-2.225 0.614-3.23s1.021-1.916 1.839-2.735l1e-3 -1e-3 6e-3 -5e-3 5e-3 -5e-3c0.82-0.818 1.73-1.43 2.736-1.84 1.005-0.41 2.081-0.613 3.23-0.613h7.609c0.132-0.359 0.272-0.728 0.42-1.107 0.38-0.978 0.793-1.957 1.241-2.936 0.462-1.011 0.933-1.966 1.415-2.857 0.16-0.297 0.326-0.594 0.496-0.891l-4.681-4.696-2e-3 -1e-3c-0.827-0.813-1.453-1.728-1.88-2.739-0.437-1.032-0.653-2.118-0.653-3.249 0-1.129 0.215-2.205 0.649-3.232 0.43-1.017 1.05-1.932 1.863-2.745l5e-3 5e-3 8.356-8.376 0.021-0.021c0.82-0.806 1.723-1.423 2.713-1.845 1.022-0.435 2.102-0.657 3.243-0.657 1.157 0 2.239 0.225 3.251 0.667 0.992 0.433 1.874 1.063 2.653 1.88l5.441 5.362c0.327-0.162 0.653-0.317 0.978-0.467 0.837-0.386 1.761-0.775 2.772-1.167 0.043-0.02 0.087-0.038 0.131-0.055 0.971-0.378 1.985-0.728 3.037-1.05 0.35-0.107 0.695-0.209 1.035-0.306v-6.637c0-1.155 0.213-2.238 0.637-3.25 0.417-0.998 1.032-1.897 1.841-2.701l0.057-0.057c0.818-0.79 1.72-1.388 2.709-1.797 1.008-0.418 2.063-0.625 3.168-0.625h11.944c1.148 0 2.225 0.203 3.23 0.613 1.01 0.412 1.924 1.027 2.748 1.85 0.814 0.816 1.428 1.728 1.84 2.737 0.41 1.005 0.613 2.081 0.613 3.229v7.61c0.359 0.133 0.727 0.273 1.107 0.42 0.977 0.38 1.955 0.793 2.934 1.24 1.012 0.462 1.967 0.934 2.857 1.416 0.299 0.161 0.596 0.326 0.893 0.496l4.695-4.681 2e-3 -1e-3c0.813-0.827 1.729-1.453 2.738-1.88 1.033-0.437 2.117-0.653 3.248-0.653s2.207 0.214 3.234 0.648zm-37.599 22.302c1.781 0 3.519 0.17 5.214 0.508 1.666 0.333 3.318 0.844 4.953 1.534l0.018 8e-3 4e-3 -8e-3c1.561 0.674 3.041 1.479 4.441 2.417 1.387 0.929 2.672 1.978 3.85 3.145l0.01 0.011c1.168 1.179 2.217 2.463 3.146 3.851 0.938 1.4 1.742 2.88 2.416 4.441 0.031 0.074 0.059 0.148 0.084 0.223 0.646 1.569 1.131 3.152 1.449 4.751 0.34 1.696 0.508 3.433 0.508 5.213 0 1.781-0.168 3.519-0.508 5.214-0.332 1.667-0.844 3.317-1.533 4.953l-8e-3 0.018 8e-3 4e-3c-0.674 1.561-1.479 3.04-2.416 4.44-0.93 1.388-1.979 2.672-3.146 3.851l-0.01 0.011c-1.18 1.168-2.463 2.217-3.852 3.146-1.398 0.938-2.879 1.742-4.439 2.416-0.074 0.031-0.148 0.06-0.225 0.084-1.568 0.647-3.152 1.131-4.75 1.45-1.695 0.339-3.434 0.508-5.214 0.508-1.781 0-3.518-0.169-5.213-0.508-1.667-0.333-3.318-0.845-4.954-1.534l-0.018-8e-3 -3e-3 8e-3c-1.561-0.674-3.042-1.479-4.441-2.416-1.388-0.929-2.672-1.978-3.85-3.146l-0.01-0.011c-1.168-1.18-2.218-2.463-3.146-3.852-0.937-1.399-1.742-2.88-2.415-4.439-0.032-0.074-0.06-0.148-0.085-0.224-0.647-1.569-1.131-3.152-1.45-4.751-0.338-1.695-0.508-3.433-0.508-5.214s0.169-3.518 0.508-5.213c0.333-1.667 0.845-3.318 1.535-4.953l7e-3 -0.018-7e-3 -3e-3c0.673-1.561 1.479-3.041 2.415-4.44 0.929-1.389 1.978-2.672 3.146-3.852l0.011-0.01c1.178-1.167 2.462-2.216 3.849-3.145 1.4-0.937 2.881-1.743 4.442-2.417 0.074-0.032 0.148-0.06 0.224-0.084 1.569-0.647 3.151-1.13 4.75-1.449 1.695-0.34 3.432-0.51 5.213-0.51zm4.162 5.788c-1.344-0.269-2.73-0.403-4.162-0.403-1.431 0-2.817 0.134-4.162 0.403-1.306 0.261-2.553 0.635-3.741 1.122-0.052 0.026-0.105 0.052-0.16 0.075-1.298 0.561-2.492 1.205-3.58 1.933-1.096 0.733-2.11 1.563-3.044 2.487-0.925 0.935-1.755 1.951-2.489 3.048-0.728 1.087-1.372 2.28-1.932 3.578l-7e-3 -3e-3c-0.521 1.237-0.917 2.539-1.191 3.905-0.268 1.344-0.402 2.73-0.402 4.161s0.134 2.817 0.402 4.162c0.261 1.306 0.636 2.553 1.123 3.741 0.026 0.053 0.052 0.105 0.075 0.16 0.56 1.298 1.204 2.49 1.931 3.577 0.734 1.097 1.564 2.113 2.49 3.048 0.934 0.925 1.949 1.754 3.045 2.487 1.087 0.728 2.28 1.372 3.579 1.933l-3e-3 7e-3c1.238 0.521 2.539 0.918 3.905 1.19 1.344 0.269 2.731 0.402 4.162 0.402s2.818-0.134 4.162-0.402c1.307-0.261 2.553-0.635 3.742-1.122 0.051-0.026 0.105-0.052 0.16-0.075 1.297-0.561 2.49-1.205 3.578-1.933 1.096-0.733 2.111-1.563 3.045-2.487 0.926-0.935 1.756-1.95 2.49-3.047 0.727-1.087 1.371-2.28 1.93-3.578l8e-3 3e-3c0.521-1.237 0.918-2.539 1.191-3.904 0.268-1.345 0.402-2.731 0.402-4.162s-0.135-2.817-0.402-4.161c-0.262-1.307-0.635-2.553-1.123-3.742-0.027-0.052-0.051-0.105-0.076-0.16-0.559-1.298-1.203-2.491-1.932-3.578-0.732-1.097-1.563-2.113-2.488-3.047-0.934-0.924-1.949-1.754-3.045-2.487-1.088-0.728-2.281-1.372-3.578-1.933l2e-3 -7e-3c-1.237-0.521-2.538-0.918-3.905-1.191z'/></path></svg> <span>Tool</span> </a></li></ul></div>
Step 9: Now save the code and publish the widgets.
Now the category grid is successfully added to your blogger website. This is fully responsive and works perfectly in all types of devices. You can also adjust this further according to your website.
Best SVG resources for Bloggers
Now the main question is where can I find SVG icons for my website.
Well, there are a lot of free SVG resources you can use. Here, are some of my favourite website.
Here, note that some SVG codes has predefined style in it, so it may looks different in actual website and you have to edit the SVG code according to your website.
Now you know how to add a grid style category section in blogger website.
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In this article I have made a tutorial on How to Create a Grid Style Category Section Using HTML & CSS In Homepage Of Blogger? I Hope you have liked this article and please do share with your friends and follow up blog for more.
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